Floris holds a talk at Kansai Gaidai University, Japan
On the 7th of November Floris was invited to hold a talk at Kansai Gaidai University in Japan.
Lecture Series at the Bowes Museum, June 2024
As part of our ongoing partnership with the Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle, Felicia and Floris gave public talks at the museum in June.
Floris takes part in the “Asian Connections: Flows of People, Medicines, Ideas, and Practices” Workshop at Durham University
On the 7th of May Floris travelled down to Durham to take part in a workshop at Durham University. The “Asian Connections: Flows of People, Medicines, Ideas, and Practices” workshop was held at the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (IMEMS) .
Conference Report: ‘Migration – Innovation, Human Mobility & Technological Innovation in History Conference’ April 4–5
On the 4th and 5th of April the project held its Migration – Innovation Conference at the German Museum of Technology.
‘Migration – Innovation: Human Mobility & Technological Innovation in History’ at the German Museum of Technology in Berlin
On the 4th and 5th of April we will host the ‘Migration – Innovation: Human Mobility & Technological Innovation in History’ conference at the German Museum of Technology in Berlin.
Teacher Training at the Oriental Museum 4
On the 7th of March, Floris and Oliver once again went to the Oriental Museum in Durham in order to run the teacher training day for Durham University School for Education’s PGCE students as part of a continued collaboration with the University’s Library and Collections Learning and Engagement team.
Rémi is Appointed as Lecturer at L’Orientale University, Naples
We want to share the excellent news that Rémi Dewière, post-doc on our project, has a new position as Lecturer at L’Orientale University in Naples, Italy.
Workshops and Exhibition at the Shipley Gallery
The Project will facilitate a series of workshops with migrant makers at the Shipley Gallery in Gateshead which will result in an exhibition showcasing the objects and skills they have brought to their new home in the Northeast of England.
Teacher Training at the Oriental Museum 3
On Tuesday October 31st the whole team took the train down to Durham to do another teacher training day at the Oriental Museum in Durham
Exploring Collaborative Outputs: A Productive Meeting with The Bowes Museum
On Wednesday 11th October, Felicia, Floris, and Oliver travelled to our project partner, the Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle to discuss and plan collaborative outputs, which we are very excited about
Conference. Thinking in the ‘Multi-verse’: The Many Layers of Islamic Diplomatic History. NYU Abu Dhabi, October 2-3, 2023.
In October 2-3, 2023, Rémi Dewière attended an international conference entitled "Thinking in the Multiverse: Unraveling the Layers of Islamic Diplomatic History" sponsored by the NYU Abu Dhabi Humanities Research Fellowship for the Study of the Arab World.
The ‘Migration, Mobility, and Expertise’ Symposium at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
On the 29th of September, Felicia, Floris, Oliver and Rémi all visited the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin to take part in a symposium.
Visit to the Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin
On 26 September, the project team visited the Deutsches Technikmuseum, our international project partner in Berlin.
Workshops. Migration Matters and Migration and Entrepreneurship
On September 20th and 21st the UKRI-FLF ‘Migration, Innovation, Adaptation’ project held two workshops, organised by Remi Dewiere and Floris Van Swet: the ‘Migration Matters Workshop’ and ‘Migration and Entrepreneurship in Early Modern Technology Transfers’ at Northumbria University.
Symposium: Migration, Mobility, and Expertise, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 29 September 2023
In collaboration with the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) the project team is organising a symposium that will explore the links between skilled migration and scientific and technological innovation across the premodern and early modern worlds.
‘Migration, Adaptation, Innovation’ on research in Japan.
In July, Floris went to Japan to conduct research for the project and in particular to further the outputs the project has planned.
Felicia, Rémi, and Floris take part in the ENIUGH conference (June 29th - July 1st)
In late July, Felicia, Rémi and Floris travelled the Netherlands to take part in the Seventh European Congress on World and Global History 2023 in The Hague
Teacher Training at the Oriental Museum 2
On Monday May 22nd Floris and Oliver went to the Oriental Museum in Durham to run the second of our teacher training sessions.
Felicia and Rémi at the ESSHC 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden
From the 12th to the 15th of April, Rémi and Felicia took part in the European Social Science History Conference 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Publication: Migration and innovation in early modern Islamic societies. The case for firearms
The article “Migration and innovation in early modern Islamic societies. The case for firearms”, has been published this month.