Zurich: Advanced Studies in Applied History

In January Felicia was invited by the University of Zurich to deliver a three-hour lecture for their Advanced Studies in Applied History Programme, an exciting and ambitious degree delivered by over 100 lecturers on their campus in Zurich but also across Georgia, Sicily, and the US.

Organised by Sven Trankulhun, the Module “Von der europäischen Expansion zur globalen Gleichzeitigkeit“ (From European Expansion to Global Simultaneity) features some of the world’s leading global historians as invited speakers. Delivered over several weekends, Valerie Hansen (Yale) started off the series, lecturing on The Song Dynasty Before Europe and The Asian Age of Exploration, 800-1500. This was followed by Sven Trakulhun (Hamburg) who introduced the topics of Portuguese and European Expansion and the Christian Missions in Asia. Felicia then presented her research on the European East India Companies. This was followed by Christoph Dejung (Bern) speaking on Postcolonial Switzerland. Later sessions featured David Motadel (London School of Economics), Peer Vries (Vienna), Jutta Wimmler (Bonn), and Klaus Weber (Viadrina).

The students were a fascinating group of experienced professionals from many different sectors ranging from business, medicine, and education, to the civil service, government, and banking. It was a real privilege to be able to discuss my research with them and I am grateful for their interest and many insightful questions and conversations from which I learnt a lot. My thanks also to Sven Trakulhun and Janina Gruhner, for their organisation, invitation, and this wonderful opportunity.


Bowes Study Day: What Now/ What Next?


Floris holds a talk at Kansai Gaidai University, Japan